Weekly Reports
What is a weekly report?
These reports are sent on a weekly basis to our client, mentors, TA, and instructor so that we can remain in communication throughout the design process. They help update our client with the progress and give them a chance to give input to the design process.
Date: September 3rd, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We met with our client, Jane Merkel, this past week to discuss specifics of the project. She showed us the equipment currently used for their oximetry procedure and gave us parts to “tinker” with. We’ve begun researching bird anatomy and the current types of oximeters used in industry.
Work planned for next week: We plan to continue researching background information and current designs. We will also go over our notes from our meeting with Jane to come up with the scope for our project and determine the type of oximeter most useful for avian patients.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Currently, nothing is needed.
Date: September 8th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We met as a group to discuss and solidify the scope of our project and made a list of topics and questions to individually research taking into account the needs of our client.
Work planned for next week: We will focus our research on to the topics we discussed during our meeting. Using the research and resources we find, we will begin working on our research paper and first oral presentation. Aline will make a combined calendar of our individual commitments and other class assignments so we can assign work and be respectful of individual needs.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Currently, nothing is needed. After we have done more specific research on current oximetry units, we will be able to meet with the client to discuss any additional questions we come up with.
Date: September 15th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We have been individually researching topics to obtain better understanding of oximetry units, spectrometry, avian physiology, and impact of anesthesia on avians.
Work planned for next week: We will discuss our research as a group, come up with design specifications and a design schedule. We will start writing our first paper. Steven will start working on the first presentation.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Currently, nothing is needed.
Date: September 22nd, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We completed preliminary research and submitted our preliminary report.
Work planned for next week: We will reflect on our preliminary research to brainstorm solutions.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Currently, nothing is needed.
Date: September 29th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: This past week, we worked on finalizing our preliminary work. Scope, specs, and extensive research have been completed.
Work planned for next week: We will start brainstorming solutions individually during the beginning of the week and meet towards the end of the week to discuss. We will also start working on the website.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Currently, nothing is needed.
Date: October 6th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We completed the website for the project and have began brainstorming solutions. The website URL is http://triptisoni8.wix.com/avian-oximetry-unit.
Work planned for next week: We need to arrange a time to meet as a group to discuss possible solutions in light of previous solutions and solutions we have individually brainstormed.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
We will meet with our client soon after meeting as a group to discuss the solutions we have brainstormed and their viability.
Date: October 20th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We have completed the Pugh charts and outlined the progress report. Currently, we are working on writing it.
Work planned for next week: We plan to have the report completed by Tuesday. We will meet with Jane on Tuesday to go over our ideas and get her input. After the meeting, we will make suggested changes.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Other than the scheduled meeting with Jane, nothing is needed.
Date: November 3rd, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We have divided our project into three parts so that each person is in charge of one part. These parts are the hardware, software, and probe.
Work planned for next week: Once we finalize what we are doing for our proof of concept, we will figure out the details of what needs to be done and ordered for each of our parts. We will meet to discuss and make any necessary changes. Parts will be ordered no later than Friday.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
We are setting up a meeting with Silva to discuss what our proof of concept should be.
Date: November 17th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: All of the parts we need for our prototype have arrived. We have used an arduino connected to a computer to communicate with our sensors and circuit. We have created a circuit that amplifies and filteres the signal from the photosensor so that we can detect a heart rate signal.
Work planned for next week: We will finish our prototype, DesignSafe, and written report by this upcoming Sunday. We will analyze and further filter our heart rate signal so that we can obtain the best possible results.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Currently, nothing is needed.
Date: October 13th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We have began discussing solutions and have found that a pulse oximetry unit is the most viable option.
Work planned for next week: We will meet this week to complete the Pugh charts required for our analysis.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
We will to schedule a meeting with Jane soon.
Date: October 27th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We have completed our progress report. Tripti has presented the second oral report.
Work planned for next week: Our group will meet this week to start discussing specific details of our chosen design. We aim to have a list of anything that needs to be ordered by next Monday.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
Currently, nothing is needed.
Date: November 10th, 2014
Project Name: Avian Oximetry Unit
Group Number: 28
Group Members: Aline Favilla, Steven Guenthner, Tripti Soni
Current status of project: We are researching different pulse oximetry designs so that we can find a simple base design to which we will implement our specific design changes. We have run into some difficulties finding a device that will work for what we want to do. We have been researching different programming languages and how to import and process data in real-time.
Work planned for next week: Parts will be ordered by today. We will be speaking to various professors this week to get their advice on our circuitry design. We will start working on the code and the probe.
Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:
We will be meeting with Dr. Silva to get his advice on how to proceed with designing our prototype.